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Angus Feed Weed and Mosskiller - 5kg (Treats 155sqm)

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Nutrigrow Feed Weed and Mosskiller is a mini granular turf fertiliser with ferrous sulphate for moss control and herbicide. 

Available to order online for delivery.

A triple action Lawn Fertiliser, Selective Weed killer and Moss Killer, in easy to spread granules, to feed your grass and kill broad leaved weeds and moss.

Active Ingredients: NPK 10-2-2 + 8% Iron Sulphate + dicamba & mecoprop-p

Aplly anytime between late spring and early autumn when the grass is actively growing.

A 5kg bag of AngusLawn Feed, Weed & Mosskiller will treat 155m².

Leave at least 3 days after cutting and 3 days before cutting

Do not apply on wet or damp grass or in frost or drought conditions.




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